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How Z5 works

In simple terms, air mixed with fuel vapour, burned , then vented from the engine in the form of an explosion (not audible by human hearing) is what turns your engine over and propels the vehicle. The problem is that air is not the ideal medium for burning, as the oxygen molecule is bound up with other elements which stop the combustion from taking place as effectively as possible.

The Z5 is made from a special alloy which, when air passes over, it acts as a catalyst and modifies the air’s composition for about 2 – 3 seconds, loosening the oxygen molecules for 2 – 3 seconds, plenty of time for it to get into the combustion chamber. As a result the fuel/air mixture combusts more quickly and burns more evenly. Less fuel is required to create the same explosion and mixture b;urns more completely creating fewer exhaust fumes.

The invention here is a metal honeycomb, in which the holes’ diameter can reach up to 2 cm to get optimal effect. The mesh can be made of various transition metals such as copper, silver, gold, nickel and their alloys at different ratios. Air flowing through the honeycomb , in the conversion of oxygen from its triplet ground state to the excited single state.

The Z5 works on all types of fuel – petrol, diesel, ethanol, lpg, biodiesel and hybrid and on all makes and models of motor vehicles.